Our Board
5Board of Directors
Next Board of Directors meeting: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 5 p.m.

Rod Geer
Rod joined the board in spring 2017, not quite a year after his prostatectomy at the University of New Mexico Cancer Center. By the time he was in his mid-60s, Rod had been charting annual PSA readings; however, he now wishes he’d known about the significance of what such a collection of slightly increasing readings can mean. Upon his diagnosis, a relative urged him to go to PCSANM’s office, get to know people, and start becoming educated. He did.
Rod worked at Sandia National Labs for about 35 years in the public relations area. Rod continues to enjoy running events of various distances (maybe not marathons any longer), swimming (although he’s awful at it), and biking. There is also family of various generations and locations. A former college DJ and newspaper record review columnist, he’s got loads of music; he’d be happy to discuss with you.

David Turner
David was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type II in April of 2018 and in October was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Both conditions are presumptive of Agent Orange exposure which occurred in 1969-1970 while serving as an Infantry officer in Viet Nam. As his Gleason score was low, he opted to start with active surveillance. David is currently continuing on active surveillance.
David ran his own business for a good number of years. Corporate changes dictated a new career so he returned to school receiving his RN and Masters of Science in Nursing. He worked in Iowa, North Carolina and South Carolina before coming to Albuquerque to marry his childhood sweetheart. He worked at University of New Mexico Hospital in Nursing IT before retiring. David become associated with PCSANM by joining one of the bi-monthly meetings at Bear Canyon Senior Center. At the second meeting he attended, he asked then-Chairman of the Board Steve Denning: “What could I help with?” You would think you would learn to never volunteer after being in the military.
David considers it a privilege to work with men, their wives, partners and families to provide support. He enjoys providing detailed information on the many types of treatments available. He supports the association’s goal of enabling men and their families to work with their providers, obtaining the best treatment and care for their particular type of cancer.
Larry Benson
Jonathan Brown
Board Member
David Naquin
Board Member
Jeff Smith
Board Member
Melissa Smith
Board Member
Steve Tannenbaum
Board Member
Tim Tokarski
Board Member
James Whitfield
Board Member
Advisory Board:
Gregg Franklin, MD, Radiation Oncologist, New Mexico Cancer Center
Advisory Board Member
Thomas Schroeder, MD, Radiation Oncologist, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
Advisory Board Member
Satyan Shah, MD, Urologist, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
Advisory Board Member