Next Steps
PCSANM recommends always getting a second and third opinion before making any decisions about treatment.
If you’ve seen a urologist and gotten the results from a PSA test and a biopsy, you will probably want to see a radiologist and an oncologist to discuss treatment options. We do not recommend taking action on the opinion of one doctor only, regardless of how reputable he or she might be. Whatever action you choose will have life-long consequences and possible side effects; you owe it to yourself to be personally comfortable with your decision.
Once you have the options laid out we recommend you talk to someone who has been through the treatment process. All of the volunteers at PCSANM are prostate cancer survivors and we have members who have experienced just about any treatment currently available. They will be glad to share their experiences with you on the phone or in person at our office. Just call for an appointment. And while at the office, visit our library of books, DVDs, and other resources.
Finally, we recommend you plan on attending the next Saturday meeting where you can talk to others, ask questions, and get straight answers. Spouses and significant others are invited to attend these meetings as well because whatever you decide will affect them too.
Once you have all the information and your questions have been answered you can then make a decision about what treatment is best for you. Remember, it is your life and, thanks to medical advances, you have options.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Borrow a book from our library.
2533 Virginia St NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87110